About Us

My name is Rajni and I live in London. I started GreenBods in May 2021. I’d been thinking about running a sustainable gift box business on and off for years, but it was really the Covid pandemic that pushed me to it. Work had dried up and I was a bit rudderless. And then all the lockdowns meant turning to online shopping only – birthdays and special occasions didn’t stop just because the shops were closed - and that reminded me of my idea, as I frustratingly tried to find the perfect gifts!

The pandemic really revealed to me that online shopping is actually quite complicated; it’s not just a case of a cuppa and a laptop on the sofa. Too many websites, different delivery charges and varying lead times, having to shop around to find what you need, and lots of hours lost in the process.

I was also keen to shop more ethically, but that wasn’t as straightforward as I’d hoped. So I decided to finally give my business idea a go and see what happened!

GreenBods is an ethical gift business. I only use companies which have a great ethos in terms of the environment, workers’ rights, sustainability, and social responsibility. I sell products that are ethical, sustainable, recyclable and eco-friendly, and much more.

My store is also about convenience - a one-stop shop to make gift buying easier. One place, one delivery charge, lots of ideas.

And as a bonus, buying from GreenBods means you can give while giving back!

 Enjoying the Norfolk Broads on a cold Winter's Day!